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How To Make Yourself Happy

Our everyday life consist of choice. We choose what we will eat for breakfast, choose what clothes we will wear, and choose who we will talk to. But what many of us forget is that we get to choose how we want to feel. We can be held hostage by our circumstances or we can choose to be free. We can choose to be offended by what others say to us or decide not to take things personally. 

Think Positively:

Though sometimes you may think it's impossible to think positively, being positive is something you can actively pursue no matter your circumstances. If you want to be able to think positively all you have to do is to focus on the things your are grateful for and excited about, and learn not to dwell on the negative stuff.

Live in the present:

One way to make yourself happy is to focus on the world right in front of you instead of worrying about the past or future. Though it is not always easy to forget past mistakes or to stop being anxious about the future, the more you make a habit of focusing on the present moment, the more likely you will be to make yourself happy.

Be grateful for what you do have:

Another way to make yourself happy is to make gratitude a priority. Sit down with a piece of paper and write down all of the things you are grateful for; tell yourself you won't stop writing until you have filled a page. Take the time to read these items aloud.

Take a step back from your situation:

Another way to make yourself happy is to het some perspective. Take a step back and look at your situation from the outside; sure, you may be having some bumps in your relationship or you may be putting in too many hours at work recently. But on the whole, you have a roof over your head, some joy and love in your life and many other things to be grateful for.

Address your troubles:

One of the way to make yourself happy is to stop brushing all of the things that are troubling you under the rug. Though it is important to feel like you can be happy through willpower alone. Sometimes you won't be able to get there untill you address the factors in your life that are making you less happy. Taking action to make your life better is admirable and takes hardwork.

Manage your stress:

In order to make yourself happy, you have to be able to deal with the stress situations that life throws at you. Though you can take some steps to lower the stress situations in your life. In the end, it is still important to have coping mechanism for dealing with stress if you want to be happy.

Practice good hygiene:

You may not think that hygiene has much do with happiness, but you would be surprised by how big of a difference taking care of yourself will really make in your daily life. Just showering or bathing daily, washing your hair, brushing your teeth, and grooming yourself can make you feel more positive about yourself and can make you happier overall.

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