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RED ALERT!!! Things women should know about menstral

Important Period Problems Women Should Not Ignore

The first time a girl gets her period is a defining moment in her life. It marks significant biological changes in her body and means she is now able to conceive a child.

Each month when you get your period, also known as menstruation, your body sheds the lining of the uterus. The menstrual blood flows through the cervix and out of the body through the vagina. A typical period lasts anywhere from 3 to 7 days.

Here are some important things to know about your periods, for both young women just learning about menstruation and those who are experiencing changes in their typical cycle.

Why You Get Your Periods

Every month, an egg begins to grow in one of your ovaries. After it is fully developed, it leaves the ovary and travels to the uterus through the fallopian tube. This process is called ovulation.

During this time, the level of estrogen (a female hormone) in your body starts to increase and causes the uterine lining to thicken.

If you have intercourse and the man’s sperm reaches the egg and fertilizes it, the egg secures itself to the thickened uterine wall, and you become pregnant.

If the egg is not fertilized, it disintegrates and the uterine lining sheds and is eliminated from the body in the form of period discharge.

1. Changes Before Your Period may Mimic Pregnancy

Not all pregnancy-associated reactions of your body indicate actual pregnancy. Your periods could trigger the onset of such symptoms, too.

As we have already established, in the days leading up to your periods, your body thickens and prepares the lining of your uterus in case a pregnancy occurs.

You may also suffer other symptoms characteristic of pregnancy, such as nausea, vomiting and a backache.

2. Prolonged or Heavy Bleeding may Indicate Fibroids

Many women tend to overlook heavy bleeding. Some might not even notice they are bleeding more than they usually do in a particular cycle, and they are using more sanitary products than they normally would.

Some women’s periods may last longer than the typical 3 to 7 days, but they may discount the importance of that as well.

However, heavy bleeding during periods and cycles that stretch beyond 7 or 8 days might be indicative of a fibroid growth. A fibroid is a noncancerous, fibrous and muscular growth that appears in or around the uterus.

3. Irregular Periods may Indicate a Hormonal Disorder

While it is considered normal to have irregular periods when one is younger, if this situation persists well into your early 20s or later, it can be a cause for concern.

If irregular periods accompany other symptoms, such as obesity, excessive facial and body hair, hair loss and acne, it could be a sign of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).

In people who have PCOS, cysts form in the ovaries due to the activity of excess testosterone (a male sex hormone) in the body.

These cysts stop the eggs from being released from the ovaries and obstruct the entire menstruation process. This causes often-missed periods.

4. Stress can Intensify PMS Symptoms

Many women suffer the pain of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), a disorder commonly affecting women right before the onset of their monthly cycle and characterized by stress, anxiety, moodiness, depression, anger, fatigue, mild body aches as well as occasional bloating, and breast tenderness and swelling.

PMS tends to negatively affect a woman’s relationships with family and friends. It also decreases work performance and may often lead to high healthcare expenses.

About 5 to 8 percent of women suffer the above-mentioned symptoms severely, according to a 2008 study published in Lancet.

5. Abrupt Absence of Period may Indicate Low BMI & Affect Fertility

To have regular periods and be able to conceive, you must have a body mass index (BMI) of at least 22. The BMI measures the amount of fat in your body.

If you are suffering irregular periods, check your BMI. Low fat coerces the body into an emergency mode, causing it to focus on performing only the most crucial and life-sustaining functions. Thus, the body may stop menstruating.

This may have a huge effect on your fertility. If you are not having periods, your ovaries will not release eggs for ovulation and subsequent fertilization.

6. Your Period Does Not Protect You from Pregnancy

The sooner this myth is banished, the better. Yes, the probability of conceiving during your period is less because you have just passed an ovulation cycle and your next ovulation cycle is still days away.

However, there are a few exceptions. A menstruation cycle is the length of time between your last period and your next.

Many women have a typical 28- to 30-day cycle. If you are one of them, the chances of getting pregnant when engaging in intercourse during your period are less.

However, if you have a shorter cycle (21 to 24 days, for instance), you could get pregnant even if you have intercourse during your period.

In a shorter cycle, ovulation occurs earlier. Since sperm can survive in your body for up to 5 days, you could conceive right after your period stops even though you had intercourse days earlier.
If you are trying to avoid pregnancy, use a condom no matter what time of the month it is.

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